Self Discipline



Romans 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” (NKJV)

Self-discipline can be defined as; applying the needed effort on your own, to do what needs to be done, to get the results that a person wants to obtain.

In a previous post on our site “Letting go of the past”, I blogged about transitioning out of 2019 into 2020 and how many people make this the time to make “New Years” resolutions.

Having a lack of Self-discipline, can hinder a person’s efforts to accomplish goals that have been set. Remaining focused on the goal that has been set will help tremendously when a person encounters distractions.

In the up coming weeks, there will be several different posts on topics that will relate to this series on Self-discipline. I am excited about how God will touch individuals that follow this series on Self-discipline, and how they will experience a positive change in their lives.

I encourage those who have been viewing the weekly blogs that are being posted this site, to follow this series and invite others to subscribe to this ministry.

Father, you art in heaven and hallow is your name. I thank you for the nuggets that you drop into my spirit to minister to your people, and that they will always be used to your glory and to your honor. It is my prayer that this series on Self-discipline will help those who are struggling with making a change in their lives in Jesus name…Amen!”

Continuing in His service…Rev

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