The Heart

The Heart

Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Life Application study Bible / NLT)

The (Life Application study Bible / NLT) translation instructs us to “guard” our hearts above all else, making sure we are watching and concentrating on those desires that will keep us on the right path.

Therefore, we have to put “boundaries” on our wants and desires, and not go after “everything” we see.

Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life” (NKJV)

To “keep” something is to make sure it is in a secure place so that it doesn’t get away, and that it is also safe from attack. The Heart is our inner self that thinks, feels and decides. As we read scriptures in the Bible, the word “heart” has a much broader meaning than that it does to our modern mind. The heart is that which is central and connected to the mind. Many of the references to the human heart in the scriptures refer to some aspect of human personality.

The Bible gives several scriptures about our emotions that are experienced by the Heart:

Love and hate Ps. 105:25 / 1st Peter 1:22

Joy and sorrow Eccl. 2:10 / John 16:6

Peace and bitterness Ezek. 27:31 / Col. 3:15

Courage and fear Gen. 42:28 / Amos 2:16

Several thinking processes are also said to be carried out by the heart. Thus the heart may:

Think Esth. 6:6

Understand Job 38:36

Imagine Jer 9:14

Remember Deut. 4:9

Be wise Prov. 2:10

Speak to itself Deut. 7:17

Many decisions that are made are carried out by the heart:

Our purpose Acts 11:23

Our intention Heb. 4:12

Our will Eph. 6:6

Finally, the heart will often show a person’s true character or personality:

Purity or evil Jer. 3:17 / Matt. 5:8

Sincerity or hardness Ex. 4:21 / Col. 2:22

Maturity or rebelliousness Ps. 101:2 / Jer. 5:23

Luke 6:45 “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (NKJV)

Lord Jesus, the bible tells us that you do not judge by a person’s outward appearance but You look at the heart. I pray that anything that is seen in our hearts that is displeasing in your eyesight be removed. Lord Jesus create in us a clean heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within us. In Your precious name. Amen!

Continuing in His service…Rev

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