The Reason

The Reason

Star of Bethlehem

Jesus is the reason for this season.

Is it possible that the world has gotten caught up in different traditions to celebrate this time of year?

Jesus is the reason for this season.

Many people have latched on to traditions, and have allowed themselves to become distracted from the true reason Christmas is celebrated.

Jesus is the reason for this season.

Black Friday has turned into green Thursday by having people work on Thanksgiving day, in order to get people to shop for early deals on Christmas presents.

Jesus is the reason for this season.

Some people will camp out all night in all types of weather, to be the first person in line to get in the store when the doors open for that one flat screen TV.   

Jesus is the reason for this season.

In many instances, purchase will be put on credit cards that will run up a balance that might take the entire year to pay off.

Jesus is the reason for this season.

Instead of being caught up in a season, let us try to remain focused on the reason.

Jesus is the reason for this season.

Seasons will change, but Jesus never changes.

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”.

Black and White Jesus Is the Reason for the Season

Continuing in His service…Rev

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